Are You Listening?
No, really, ...are you listening? Are you so busy you don't really hear what other people are really saying? Do you just tolerate their words until you can jump in and talk? Some people can't even wait and will start talking over the top of someone else. How does that make them feel? Try slowing down your thoughts today. Really listen when someone talks to you. Ask them questions to understand what they are saying. Things like "How did that make you feel?", "What would you like to have happen ?". Put your own need to be heard aside for a few minutes to connect deeper with others. Listen to yourself too. Not your mind and the hundreds of racing thoughts of things you have to do or should have done. Listen with your heart to the essence of you. Are you comfortable with yourself? Are your own needs being met? Is there anything that needs to change in order for you to feel a deeper connection to your true self? Honour the guidance you receiv...