
Take some time today during your busy-ness to be in the moment. Stop thinking about what you have to still do, and Be Here Now.

Notice how your body feels, do you have any aches you have been ignoring? How is your posture? Are you standing / sitting / walking with your feet flat and firmly on the ground? What can you smell? What can you hear right now? When you look around the room or out your window, look without judgement. Don't focus on that pile of ironing sitting there waiting to be done, or the lawn that needs to be mowed, just gently look around and see what is there for you in this moment.

Take a few deep breaths and really experience those breaths.

When you get back to your busy life, you will feel more relaxed and peaceful. Try doing this several times a day, especially when the stress is starting to build.



Sheree' said…
Beautiful! I love it. How true this is. Thanks for posting this.

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