People spend a lifetime searching for happiness; looking for peace. They chase idle dreams, addictions, religions, even other people, hoping to fill the emptiness that plagues them. The irony is the only place they ever needed to search was within. Ramona L. Anderson 1887-1949 American writer
How many times do you get caught up thinking of yourself as one thing as defined by what you do...for example, a parent, a plumber, a banker, etc. And then you get confused because you feel like you're not just that, you're also a son, a sister, a friend, a member of a sports or social group, someone who has to take care of the family finances, do the maintenance on the car, clean the house, do volunteer work, etc. We are all so busy these days! Yet sometimes think we can only focus on one of these sides of ourselves at a time. What if you thought of yourself as a diamond? So many different sides, yet it takes all of them to capture the light to make it shine so very brightly.. ..that is you! Don't try to limit yourself with one label. Know that it is good to have different sides of yourself. You don't have to show just one at a time. Let yourself move through those different aspects of yourself as if you were imagining moving a diamond in the light, watching yours...
A lot of marketing companies seem to delight in promoting a "lack mentality". They use fear tactics like "hurry, buy now" (as if you don't there will be none left - anywhere, ever again). Marketing can be aimed at making you think if you don't buy or use a certain product, you will not be attractive or successful. Not true. I think people become smarter by being able to see or read an advertisement, see the attempt at manipulation and not get caught up in it. Really look at the ad and if you see genuine value in something, for the fact that it will help reduce waste in the world or make your own home or self more beautiful or happy or less complicated. Whatever your reason, explore it and know your purchase will improve your life in some way. It is when people get 'sucked in' to buying something that just clutters their home or life that we know we've fallen prey to those clever marketers again. When you come to the knowing that Everything you ne...