
It starts with You...

The world is a bit crazier than usual at the moment.  It’s so easy to get caught up in it and feel a sense of isolation and despair even.  It’s not uncommon to feel sad, overwhelmed, agitated, and even frustrated / angry at the lack of control that we may have. I used to feel that way.  Sometimes I still do, but not as often. I know that there is not a whole lot that I can physically do.  I have responsibilities with my own family and circumstances. I also do not see myself as a militant activist.  That image incites too much judgement and fighting. So I do what I can.  What I feel I am meant to be doing.                         I Shine my Light. I aim to Be Love and Peace and to ripple that out into the world. I aim to be kind and to really listen to and connect with others. I am taking more time to honour my body, my heart, and my mind so that I may better be of service in thi...

Wild Peace

What does Peace mean to you? Does Being Peace mean that you are also Calm, and Quiet? I used to think so, but now I think it’s so much more! What if you could maintain Peace within, while also being a bit Wild?  How would that look? I think that it would look like someone who was comfortable with themselves. Someone who took chances to achieve their goals. Someone who was more afraid of not being themselves, than of being ridiculed. Someone who remembers that being playful and silly brings a delightful Joy to life. Someone that remembers that you need to be kind to yourself, as well as to others. Someone that can look back at the past, and be grateful for all of the lessons there.  The wonderful, the awful, and the ordinary. Someone that can be in the middle of noise and chaos (the city, the shopping centre, the airport, even at home), and feel the calm in their core. Someone that can get totally immersed in loud music, or powerful water, or an int...

coming back...

It has been far too long since I last wrote here.  So much has happened, life has been a whirlwind, and I got caught up in the glorification of "busy". I've felt lost and unsure of my direction.  I wondered if I was on the right path, or if I should have turned off miles ago!  Sound familiar? In my head, I knew all of the things that I "should" do, but somehow, I just felt stuck. Thankfully, I reached a point on the calendar where life slowed down.  I decided to take some time out.  I started listening to my body.  I slept in, I ate less, I moved more slowly and gently.  I still took care of my family and the home, but I didn't feel as rushed. I started breathing more deeply and mostly through my nose.  Just being aware of the breath is such a great way to calm the body and mind...and spirit. I now celebrate the glorification of "calm"!  I am feeling more peaceful, and with that, I'm also feeling lighter and more joyful.  What ...

Be Infinitely Patient

"Being infinitely patient means having an absolute knowing that you're in vibrational harmony with the all-creating force that intended you here. You know that everything will happen at just the right time, at just the right place, with just the right people."   ~ Dr. Wayne Dyer I love this quote...I do know this, I just forget it sometimes.  I know that when I am aligned with Trusting the unfolding of my life, I Know that everything is happening exactly as it should.  I feel Peace and I move through my life with lightness and joy. 

Harold Whitman quote

"Don't ask yourself what the world needs.  Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and then go and do that.  Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."   - Harold Whitman I love this quote!  What makes you come alive?  What makes your soul sing?  What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?  Go take a step in that direction...feels good huh?!

Success is an inside job.

"Being relaxed, at peace with yourself, confident, emotionally neutral, loose, and free-floating- these are the keys to successful performance in almost everything you do."   - Dr. Wayne Dyer


I am not usually into hip-hop music, but I changed my mind after hearing this!