It starts with You...

The world is a bit crazier than usual at the moment.  It’s so easy to get caught up in it and feel a sense of isolation and despair even.  It’s not uncommon to feel sad, overwhelmed, agitated, and even frustrated / angry at the lack of control that we may have.

I used to feel that way.  Sometimes I still do, but not as often.

I know that there is not a whole lot that I can physically do.  I have responsibilities with my own family and circumstances.

I also do not see myself as a militant activist.  That image incites too much judgement and fighting.

So I do what I can.  What I feel I am meant to be doing.

                        I Shine my Light.

I aim to Be Love and Peace and to ripple that out into the world.

I aim to be kind and to really listen to and connect with others.

I am taking more time to honour my body, my heart, and my mind so that I may better be of service in this way.

And I encourage you to do the same.

Go to places that make you feel good.  That help you to know yourself more deeply.
Listen to music and / or podcasts that delight and inspire you.
Eat foods that nourish you and give you calm energy.
Stop “shoulding” on yourself.

Being kind starts with being kind to yourself.
You are important.
You can make a difference to the world just by being yourself.


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