
Showing posts from February, 2007


A lot of marketing companies seem to delight in promoting a "lack mentality". They use fear tactics like "hurry, buy now" (as if you don't there will be none left - anywhere, ever again). Marketing can be aimed at making you think if you don't buy or use a certain product, you will not be attractive or successful. Not true. I think people become smarter by being able to see or read an advertisement, see the attempt at manipulation and not get caught up in it. Really look at the ad and if you see genuine value in something, for the fact that it will help reduce waste in the world or make your own home or self more beautiful or happy or less complicated. Whatever your reason, explore it and know your purchase will improve your life in some way. It is when people get 'sucked in' to buying something that just clutters their home or life that we know we've fallen prey to those clever marketers again. When you come to the knowing that Everything you ne...


What do you want in this life? So many people have a vague idea of this or have never really thought about all of the things they could have if they really believed they could have them. Governments, the media and society in general seem to have an agreement to keep the public "dumbed down" in order to maintain control over them. A lot of schools no longer encourage children to excel , but to just scrape by. How can anyone believe they can achieve all of their goals if they are constantly conditioned to lies such as they aren't smart/rich/good-looking/healthy enough to achieve those goals? It is very liberating to break free of past conditioning. To realise you are good enough in every way and worthy of achieving all of your goals, whether it's inner peace, a new car, a soul mate, or excellent health and vitality. The first step in this process is to get very clear about what it is you want. By doing this, you are asking the Universe for assistance in manifestin...