
What do you want in this life? So many people have a vague idea of this or have never really thought about all of the things they could have if they really believed they could have them.

Governments, the media and society in general seem to have an agreement to keep the public "dumbed down" in order to maintain control over them. A lot of schools no longer encourage children to excel, but to just scrape by. How can anyone believe they can achieve all of their goals if they are constantly conditioned to lies such as they aren't smart/rich/good-looking/healthy enough to achieve those goals?

It is very liberating to break free of past conditioning. To realise you are good enough in every way and worthy of achieving all of your goals, whether it's inner peace, a new car, a soul mate, or excellent health and vitality. The first step in this process is to get very clear about what it is you want. By doing this, you are asking the Universe for assistance in manifesting those things.

Mind you, if you focus on things that you don't want, you'll end up manifesting those too. Your subconscious mind does not understand 'do' or 'don't'. It understands the focus of where that do or don't is directed. "I don't want any more of these bills", "why does my car keep breaking down?", "I don't want to have to deal with that person any more." It's like a snowball rolling downhill, and those things keep coming into your life, picking up speed, getting bigger. The trick to get out of this funk is to turn it around and to focus on what it is that you DO want. Use affirmations and visualisation to see those things in the present and aim to bring yourself into alignment with them so that you are ready to receive them when they are presented to you.

The next time you notice yourself focusing on the negative side of a situation, turn it around and word it in the positive. Notice how it brings you more peace, and clarity will come very soon after.


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