A lot of marketing companies seem to delight in promoting a "lack mentality". They use fear tactics like "hurry, buy now" (as if you don't there will be none left - anywhere, ever again). Marketing can be aimed at making you think if you don't buy or use a certain product, you will not be attractive or successful. Not true. I think people become smarter by being able to see or read an advertisement, see the attempt at manipulation and not get caught up in it. Really look at the ad and if you see genuine value in something, for the fact that it will help reduce waste in the world or make your own home or self more beautiful or happy or less complicated. Whatever your reason, explore it and know your purchase will improve your life in some way. It is when people get 'sucked in' to buying something that just clutters their home or life that we know we've fallen prey to those clever marketers again.
When you come to the knowing that Everything you need will be provided, you start to look at things in a new way. Whatever lessons you need to learn in this life will come to you in whatever form you are ready to receive them. If you have a "lack" mentality, that may be reflected in your surroundings.
We recently took a drive around a very rich area where every home had their own private jetty with a huge boat docked. The houses were enormous. I just wondered how happy all those people were. There were thousands of houses there which showed me that there is an abundance of money in the world. In order for me to tap into some more of that, I need to rethink my own beliefs about money. You've probably heard "money is the root of all evil". Well it's not. It's when the love of money becomes more important than people that there is a problem.
But abundance is about more than money, it's a mindset that allows you to co-create your life. It's acceptance of where you are now (don't live in the past), a belief in a Higher Power and a clear picture of what you want. Once you are clear with a particular goal or goals, visualise them, affirm them, thank that Higher Power for bringing them into your life (even if they are not there yet) and while you are waiting for them to manifest, just be a good person. Treat others how you want to be treated, from your own children to rude shopkeepers you may meet.
You can also look at all of the good things in your life right now and be grateful for those. You'll probably see that your life is already filled with Abundance. The more you show Gratitude and treat others with Respect, the more Abundance will flow into your life.
When you come to the knowing that Everything you need will be provided, you start to look at things in a new way. Whatever lessons you need to learn in this life will come to you in whatever form you are ready to receive them. If you have a "lack" mentality, that may be reflected in your surroundings.
We recently took a drive around a very rich area where every home had their own private jetty with a huge boat docked. The houses were enormous. I just wondered how happy all those people were. There were thousands of houses there which showed me that there is an abundance of money in the world. In order for me to tap into some more of that, I need to rethink my own beliefs about money. You've probably heard "money is the root of all evil". Well it's not. It's when the love of money becomes more important than people that there is a problem.
But abundance is about more than money, it's a mindset that allows you to co-create your life. It's acceptance of where you are now (don't live in the past), a belief in a Higher Power and a clear picture of what you want. Once you are clear with a particular goal or goals, visualise them, affirm them, thank that Higher Power for bringing them into your life (even if they are not there yet) and while you are waiting for them to manifest, just be a good person. Treat others how you want to be treated, from your own children to rude shopkeepers you may meet.
You can also look at all of the good things in your life right now and be grateful for those. You'll probably see that your life is already filled with Abundance. The more you show Gratitude and treat others with Respect, the more Abundance will flow into your life.