Nourish your Soul

On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know.....
that it is time for you to give your mind a respite,
a retreat from all the illusions of your Every Day.
How long has it been since you paid attention -- real attention -- to your soul?
There are many ways to nourish the soul, but you often must stop, just simply stop, life as you are living it...if only for an hour or a day or a week...and take some time to gift your soul. Or, more accurately, to allow your soul to gift you.
Is there a book you have been dying to read?
A personal growth workshop you wish you could take?
A lecture you hope you can fit into your busy life?
Do it. Do it now. You think you can't afford the time or the money?
I tell you, you can't afford not to.
Love, Your Friend....


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