Riding the waves..
Sometimes I feel like I'm going around in circles with the same highs and lows and the same thoughts behind those. I alternate between wanting to get rid of everything and travel, and then wanting a cosy home and a huge vege garden. I alternate between feeling free of old conditionings and then trapped by them. I alternate between feeling so full and sure of the way I'm living my life and feeling so full of doubt and confusion and wondering if I'm doing enough. What I'm really learning is to be gentle with myself. Life is not always calm waters. It's more like the beach and the waves - they have peaks and troughs, some dump on you, others let you ride it gracefully in to shore, others seem a little scary when you first get on, but prove to be a huge thrill when you overcome that initial fear. I can see how I've lived all of those kinds of waves. I get frustrated with the cycle sometimes, but I need to just accept it, thank it even. Looking back on my life, I can...