
Showing posts from February, 2010

How does your garden grow?

Towards the end of Spring, my children and I planted seeds for tomatoes and lettuce and some herbs. Every morning we'd go out first thing and check to see if there was any progress. We'd talk to the seeds and give them some energy and check the soil to see if it was moist enough. We were so excited when they started to grow! We left to go away for 10 days and, as it was expected to rain, I did not ask a neighbour to drop by and water them. But it did not rain, and it was rather warm. When we got back, they were not looking very well, and as I had gotten out of the habit of tending to them every morning, I sometimes missed a day of checking on them. Then we got rain. A lot of rain. And it didn't do them any good either. Long story short...we didn't get any tomatoes or lettuce and the herbs are doing just ok. I got to thinking of how we - specifically our health (physical, mental and spiritual) - are like a garden. Often we'll get all excited about a new exercise prog...

Quote and a comment

"Think of your body as a sacred temple, and extend reverence as a form of love. Be aware of, and grateful for, every organ, every drop of blood, every appendage, and every cell that constitutes your body. Start right this minute by offering a silent prayer of gratitude for your liver, your heart, and your brain." - Dr Wayne Dyer I think when we remember to do this, when we are gentle with our minds and our bodies, we naturally gravitate towards taking better care of our physical form. We eat healthy food because we want to, not because we have to. We move because it feels good, not like a chore. And the expression of love for ourselves is radiated to those around us. Health becomes our new standard and we realise that it feels so good to feel good! What's more - you deserve it!