How does your garden grow?

Towards the end of Spring, my children and I planted seeds for tomatoes and lettuce and some herbs. Every morning we'd go out first thing and check to see if there was any progress. We'd talk to the seeds and give them some energy and check the soil to see if it was moist enough. We were so excited when they started to grow!

We left to go away for 10 days and, as it was expected to rain, I did not ask a neighbour to drop by and water them. But it did not rain, and it was rather warm. When we got back, they were not looking very well, and as I had gotten out of the habit of tending to them every morning, I sometimes missed a day of checking on them. Then we got rain. A lot of rain. And it didn't do them any good either. Long story short...we didn't get any tomatoes or lettuce and the herbs are doing just ok.

I got to thinking of how we - specifically our health (physical, mental and spiritual) - are like a garden. Often we'll get all excited about a new exercise program, or course of study or meditation technique. We'll get up a little early every morning to take time for ourselves to pursue those things. But then we get distracted. Easily. We think, "oh, I'll just put on a load of washing" or, "I'll just return that business call first". Things like that and it gets harder and harder to find our momentum again.

We need to remember to tend to our own inner lives. To make time to pursue the things that interest us. That by giving ourselves attention, every single day, our lives will become more abundant. Like watering the plants, tending to the weeds, feeding them the nutrients they need and watching them blossom so that they can give more to those around them.

It's like a car battery. If the engine isn't running, the battery isn't charging. You can have the headlights on, the radio, and it will eventually kill the battery (giving to everybody but yourself). On the other hand, if you run the engine, you charge the battery at the same time and you can run the lights and the radio as much as you like (give to yourself first so that you can in turn give to others).

I don't mean being selfish and ignoring others. So many people live their lives totally for other people, usually their family, whether they live with them or not. Always considering the needs of other people first. If you're reading this, you most likely fall into that category. Especially Parents with children and partners to consider as they try to balance work and home life.

Make yourself a priority, at least 15 minutes each day. Treat yourself with care and respect . Know that you deserve that time.


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