Applaud Yourself

So many of us focus on the things we have to do to make us a "better" person. The self-help section in bookstores and libraries has grown into one of the most popular departments. There is no doubt that personal development is on a lot of peoples minds. I'm always hearing about new books, audio programs, CD's, workshops, internet courses etc, along these lines. I am impressed with all of the information available.

But I want you to know that your most important teacher is within yourself. Don't give your power away to follow what other people claim you must do in order to be "better". Certainly listen to others, take what works for you, but don't be afraid to say "no" to the bits you don't like or want. Just because someone may have published a book, or been on tv, does not make them better than you.

Today, think of all of the things that you do that are great. Is it the way you cook or play with your kids or do your job or help your neighbour or feed the wild birds or patiently tie your child's shoe for the 97th time or the fact that you take time to appreciate simple pleasures throughout your day?

Instead of thinking of the things you want to work on within yourself, applaud yourself for being the best person you can be right here right now.


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