
Showing posts from 2007

Quote by Ramona L Anderson

People spend a lifetime searching for happiness; looking for peace. They chase idle dreams, addictions, religions, even other people, hoping to fill the emptiness that plagues them. The irony is the only place they ever needed to search was within. Ramona L. Anderson 1887-1949 American writer

Quote by Albert Schweitzer

However much I am at the mercy of the world, I never let myself get lost by brooding over its misery. I hold firmly to the thought that each one of us can do a little to bring some portion of that misery to an end. Albert Schweitzer, 1875-1965 Alsation-born musician and medical missionary

Quote by Thich Nhat Hanh

Peace is based on a respect for life, the spirit of reverence for life. Not only do we have to respect the lives of human beings, but we have to respect the lives of animals, vegetables and minerals. Rocks can be alive. A rock can be destroyed. The Earth also, The way we farm, the way we deal with our garbage, all these things are related to each other. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh...Vietnames Buddist monk, poet and peace activist


Take some time today during your busy-ness to be in the moment. Stop thinking about what you have to still do, and Be Here Now. Notice how your body feels, do you have any aches you have been ignoring? How is your posture? Are you standing / sitting / walking with your feet flat and firmly on the ground? What can you smell? What can you hear right now? When you look around the room or out your window, look without judgement. Don't focus on that pile of ironing sitting there waiting to be done, or the lawn that needs to be mowed, just gently look around and see what is there for you in this moment. Take a few deep breaths and really experience those breaths. When you get back to your busy life, you will feel more relaxed and peaceful. Try doing this several times a day, especially when the stress is starting to build. Namaste


A lot of marketing companies seem to delight in promoting a "lack mentality". They use fear tactics like "hurry, buy now" (as if you don't there will be none left - anywhere, ever again). Marketing can be aimed at making you think if you don't buy or use a certain product, you will not be attractive or successful. Not true. I think people become smarter by being able to see or read an advertisement, see the attempt at manipulation and not get caught up in it. Really look at the ad and if you see genuine value in something, for the fact that it will help reduce waste in the world or make your own home or self more beautiful or happy or less complicated. Whatever your reason, explore it and know your purchase will improve your life in some way. It is when people get 'sucked in' to buying something that just clutters their home or life that we know we've fallen prey to those clever marketers again. When you come to the knowing that Everything you ne...


What do you want in this life? So many people have a vague idea of this or have never really thought about all of the things they could have if they really believed they could have them. Governments, the media and society in general seem to have an agreement to keep the public "dumbed down" in order to maintain control over them. A lot of schools no longer encourage children to excel , but to just scrape by. How can anyone believe they can achieve all of their goals if they are constantly conditioned to lies such as they aren't smart/rich/good-looking/healthy enough to achieve those goals? It is very liberating to break free of past conditioning. To realise you are good enough in every way and worthy of achieving all of your goals, whether it's inner peace, a new car, a soul mate, or excellent health and vitality. The first step in this process is to get very clear about what it is you want. By doing this, you are asking the Universe for assistance in manifestin...


How are you sitting right now? Is your back strong and straight or hunched over? Are your feet flat on the floor or footrest or turned outwards? Are you breathing deeply and evenly or shallowly? Take time today to be aware of what is happening with your body. Take time to stand straight. Notice how you feel when you change from slouching to shoulders back. Stand with your feet flat on the floor rather than curling away so that you can connect with the earth more fully. When you go to sleep, do you clench your fists or relax them open? Be aware of any tension spots within your body and allow them to relax. Think of your body as a garden hose. If it has a kink in it, the water will not flow through easily. It is the same with your body, spots of tension will not let your love and light and peace flow through easily. Be aware, let go of tension, be peace.

Applaud Yourself

So many of us focus on the things we have to do to make us a "better" person. The self-help section in bookstores and libraries has grown into one of the most popular departments. There is no doubt that personal development is on a lot of peoples minds. I'm always hearing about new books, audio programs, CD's, workshops, internet courses etc, along these lines. I am impressed with all of the information available. But I want you to know that your most important teacher is within yourself. Don't give your power away to follow what other people claim you must do in order to be "better". Certainly listen to others, take what works for you, but don't be afraid to say "no" to the bits you don't like or want. Just because someone may have published a book, or been on tv, does not make them better than you. Today, think of all of the things that you do that are great. Is it the way you cook or play with your kids or do your job or help your ne...

Releasing Attachment

One of the keys to simplify your life is to release attachment to material possessions that you just don't need or want anymore. By uncluttering your physical environment, you can unclutter your mind. Let's take that a step further to unclutter your mental environment which can lighten your Spiritual Self. It's a similar idea, just not as easy to "see". It requires thought about the way you think. It is easy to get stuck in familiar habits of relating to others and ourselves, just as it is easy to accumulate material possessions that become a part of our environment to the extent that we don't even notice them anymore. Being stuck in a mental habit that does not serve our highest good, actually blocks the flow of harmony in our lives. Feelings of disharmony may manifest themselves in many ways from little irritations to depression, overeating and other unhealthy habits, among other things. It can be very hard to release yourself from these. First it takes rec...


Affirmations are often overlooked as being "too easy - they can't possibly work". If that's what you think, then you're right. And wrong. Yes, they are easy, but they can work. The trick is to "fake it until you make it". Affirmations involve repeating positive phrases to yourself, either silently, or aloud, frequently throughout the day. Just after you wake up and just before you go to sleep are powerful times to do this, as well as throughout the day - especially when you are facing a challenging situation. (This happened to me this weekend. I was having a conversation with someone close to me who was very upset and was starting to verbally attack me. I have a long history with this person and I knew that this was not their true nature. Instead of going into my past habit of getting defensive, I said to myself "I communicate clearly and with love". This mantra played in my head while the person spoke a little longer. Their pain became clear t...

let Peace begin with me

How can there be peace in the world if there is not peace within ourselves? Surely nations of peaceful people would find alternative methods of dealing with conflicts than with guns and violence. Inner Peace is not something that comes overnight. It can take many years - even a lifetime - to achieve. In todays crazy world, maintaining inner peace is a very challenging thing to do. Sometimes it can even feel like the steps that can lead us there have to be scheduled and crammed into already busy lives. Like we really need more things we have to do, right? But doing these things will help especially if you can just let go of everything else you need to do afterwards, and enjoy the moment. Let go of any guilt you may feel for taking the time out. Go and get a massage, or a facial or go to a yoga class, or take a little time to go and walk in a beautiful place - a beach, a nice park, whatever you have in your area. The more moments of peace you can find, the more you be able to draw on tho...