
Showing posts from 2009

Mother Teresa quote..

"I know you think you should make a trip to Calcutta, but I strongly advise you to save your airfare and spend it on the poor in your own country. It's easy to love people far away. It's not always easy to love those who live right next to us. There are thousands of people dying for a bit of bread, but there are thousands more dying for a bit of love or a bit of acknowledgement. The truth is that the worst disease today is not leprosy or tuberculosis; it's being unwanted, it's being left out, it's being forgotten" ~ Mother Teresa

overcoming judgement

I met a new friend recently. During the conversation, she was saying how she recognised that she often passed judgement on other people, before she had met them, based on the opinions of others. She was not sure if she should do that, but seemed to be stuck in that pattern. I wanted to explore that with her, but just could not find the words. Thinking about it now, I know why, and I also know what I would have said. Which is: "It's very nice that you want to show loyalty to your friends by siding with them, but do you always know if your friends are right? The person that appears to be mean that you are judging - do you know what made them like that? Perhaps they had something really horrible happen to them in the past and their behaviour now is a defense mechanism. Or a cry for help -'I'm in pain'. Who are we to judge another anyway? Has our own behaviour been exemplary? Imagine if we were slower to judge others and quicker to show kindness and compass...


"We are on the planet to be and express the Divine Love of God that is alive in every fiber of our being, waiting to be released through us onto our world. Living as love is a way of life that brings heaven on earth. " Michael Beckwith, Agape Ministries

Peace signs

We want Peace and non-violence: Two friends drawing "the largest Peace sign" on the beach: A Peace Ripple: Inspiration:

Riding the waves..

Sometimes I feel like I'm going around in circles with the same highs and lows and the same thoughts behind those. I alternate between wanting to get rid of everything and travel, and then wanting a cosy home and a huge vege garden. I alternate between feeling free of old conditionings and then trapped by them. I alternate between feeling so full and sure of the way I'm living my life and feeling so full of doubt and confusion and wondering if I'm doing enough. What I'm really learning is to be gentle with myself. Life is not always calm waters. It's more like the beach and the waves - they have peaks and troughs, some dump on you, others let you ride it gracefully in to shore, others seem a little scary when you first get on, but prove to be a huge thrill when you overcome that initial fear. I can see how I've lived all of those kinds of waves. I get frustrated with the cycle sometimes, but I need to just accept it, thank it even. Looking back on my life, I can...

International Day of Peace

A Message from Chunyi Lin on International Day of Peace Monday, September 21, 2009 Hello my dear friend, There is a beautiful song, most often heard at Christmas time, which starts, "Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me." On this International Day of Peace, wouldn't it be wonderful if we all carried those words within us and lived those words from our hearts? For there to be peace on earth, each of us must truly say, "Let it begin with me." That is where it all begins. "Lao Tzu said, "If there is to be peace in the the the cities...between the home...there must be peace in the heart." Peace begins in the heart because the heart is the seat of love and, as Gandhi said, "Love is the strongest force the world possesses...." If we call upon this unconditional love--if we simply focus on the love in each of our hearts and let this limitless, perfect, healing love flow into us and through...

Wayne Dyer quotes:

" Be reflective like a mirror, and reflect what comes into your life without judgements or opinions. Be unattached to all that come into your life by not demanding that they stay, go, or appear at my whim. Discontinue judging myself or others for being too fat/skinny, too tall/short, too pretty/ugly, anything. Just as the power of intention reflects and accepts me without judgement or attachment: I will be the same with what appears in my life... " "View the events you consider obstacles as perfect opportunities to test your resolve and find your purpose." I have found another way of dealing with obstacles is to actually thank the situation. When you come from a place of Gratitude for the challenging situations, not just the good ones, you tap into a Faith, a Trust in Spirit / God. I know that I am never sent anything that I cannot handle so I see each new challenge as a chance to grow and learn.

A wish..

May today there be peace within. May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith in yourself and others. May you use the gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content with yourself just the way you are. Let this knowledge settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us.

Gratitude quotes...

"It is not joy that makes us grateful; it is gratitude that makes us joyful." -- Brother David Steindl-Rast "As I express my gratitude, I become more deeply aware of it. And the greater my awareness, the greater my need to express it. What happens here is a spiraling ascent, a process of growth in ever expanding circles around a steady center." (not sure where this one came from)

Living Your Yoga

In my previous post I wrote that I was choosing not to buy a book because I was in a place of exploring on my own. As 'coincidence' would have it, I came across a copy of that book. I put aside my judgements and ego and decided that perhaps there were some lessons in that book that could assist me, as long as I maintained my own true path and did not take on a role that sounded good but really, didn't fit. So I have started reading "Living Your Yoga" by Judith Lasater . I am enjoying it as much as having a conversation with a like-minded friend. This book was brought to me to clarify the path that I am on, to deepen my understanding of what I already know, and to state some truths simply and eloquently, such as this paragraph on page 6: "..spiritual seeking is not what we do outwardly, but what we acknowledge inwardly. To practice yoga in the deepest sense is to commit to developing awareness by observing our lives: our thoughts, our words , and our actions. ...


I recently heard of a book called "Living Your Yoga" by Judith Hanson Lasater. It caught my attention as I'd recently come to the awareness that my life is my yoga - my spiritual practice. It is occurring every single moment, not just on Sunday mornings. In every moment of every day, I get a chance to practice kindness and respect and compassion and non-judgement and non-violence and gratitude. I get to remember Who I Really Am and show how I can express that and become even more. I get to align myself with my Faith in a greater power and Trust in that guidance. In doing so, I get to feel strong and empowered with a deep peace underlying my actions. For the most part...I am still learning to incorporate this and so I do slip into old conditionings some times. I thought about buying the book. But decided against it. I'm sure there are some great tips in it, but it would be written from the authors point of view and right now, I'm Living MY Yoga. Are you livin...


Here are a few questions that may help you figure out what is most meaningful in your life and what you want to do with your life. 1. What 5 things do you value most in life? 2. In 30 seconds, write down the three most important goals in your life. 3. What would you do if you won a million dollars? 4. What would you do if you learned that you had only 6 months to live? 5. What have you always wanted to do but have not done? 6. In looking back over your life, what type of activities gave you the greatest feeling of importance, self-esteem, mental well-being, self-worth, etc. 7. If you had one wish from a genie, what one thing would you do if you knew you could not fail? ~ If you don't think you have the answer to any of these questions, just imagine that you had the answer. You don't have to show your answers to anyone else. This is a little evaluation for yourself to see if you are on track - heading towards or even already living the life that you desire. It may even promp...

Nourish your Soul

On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know..... that it is time for you to give your mind a respite, a retreat from all the illusions of your Every Day. How long has it been since you paid attention -- real attention -- to your soul? There are many ways to nourish the soul, but you often must stop, just simply stop, life as you are living it...if only for an hour or a day or a week...and take some time to gift your soul. Or, more accurately, to allow your soul to gift you. Is there a book you have been dying to read? A personal growth workshop you wish you could take? A lecture you hope you can fit into your busy life? Do it. Do it now. You think you can't afford the time or the money? I tell you, you can't afford not to. Love, Your Friend.... Neale

from Neale Donald Walsch

On this day of your life, dear friend I believe God wants you to know....... that the time has come for you to nourish your soul. When was the last time that you swam naked? Or sang in the shower? Or blew bubbles? Or held a puppy? Or kissed a baby? Or made love all Sunday afternoon? Or prayed really softly, not from need, but from love? Has it been a while?Then hurry. Do it. Hurry.This is life that is going by... Love, Your Friend.... Neale

What if...

What if we knew for certain that everything we're worried about today will work out fine? What if . . . we had a guarantee that the problem bothering us would be worked out in the most perfect way, and at the best possible time? Furthermore, what if we knew that three years from now we'd be grateful for that problem, and its solution? What if . . . we knew that even our worst fear would work out for the best? What if . . . we had a guarantee that everything that's happening, and has happened, in our life was meant to be, planned just for us, and in our best interest? What if . . . we had a guarantee that the people we love are experiencing exactly what they need in order to become who they're intended to become? Further, what if we had a guarantee that others can be responsible for themselves, and we don't have to control or take responsibility for them? What if . . . we knew the future was going to be good, and we would have an abundance of resources and guidance t...

What is in your ripple right now?

What kind of energy are you sharing with the world? It starts within what is there, at your core? Are you feeling an underlying sense of frustration? Or calm? fear or love? Your choice. What you feel, others around you also feel. Whether they choose to accept that into their Being depends on their level of awareness and inner strength. But you can affect others just with your presence by projecting love and peace when you really feel that within. What a wonderful world that would be!

A note from Neale Donald Walsch...

On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know...... that what your heart thinks is great, is great. The soul's emphasis is always right. Ralph Waldo Emerson said that, and he was correct. The mind is the last part of yourself to listen to. It thinks of everything you can lose. The heart thinks ofeverything you can give, and the soul thinks ofeverything you are. I will leave it up to you to decide which of thosethree is the most important...

Peace Parent...

Being a parent is the hardest (and the very best) thing I've ever done. Aiming to find and maintain peace and balance within myself and teach my children these things has been a major factor in how I parent. I admit it's been a rocky road at times but I am so much better than I used to be. In my deepest self, I knew what was possible, but I had to wade through some old conditionings in order to get close to there. I like this article by Scott Noelle as he reminds me that peace is created within each of us and we can choose that state anytime, even during parenting challenges. a little taste: Some parents believe that giving selflessly to their children is proof of their unconditional love. But parental self-sacrifice is an insidious form of conditionality that diminishes both parent and child. Its true colors are exposed when the self-sacrificing parent eventually snaps and says, “How can you treat me that way after all I’v...

Peace Is Possible...quotes by Maharaji (Prem Rawat) pt 4

" I invite you to take a peek inside to know what this existence is all about. Be who you are. Be fulfilled every day so you can fulfill others. Be fulfilled every day so you can fulfill the responsibilities that are ahead of you. It all begins with you, so understand that if you don't feel peace, you may not be able to give it to anyone. If you want to quench the thirst of another, the least you need is water. Without water, you cannot quench somebody else's thirst. The water of peace flows within you. I'm not talking about creating something, but about discovering what already exists inside of you. Just be who you are. Carry out your noble causes. Be the knights, but wear the armor well so you can succeed in your noble cause to be all that you really, really want to be. No limits. Success has nothing to do with age. Success has nothing to do with accomplishments. Success is to feel alive every moment in your life. Not just to carry a backpack of responsibility, but a...

10 second meditation....

Stop... Put your feet flat on the ground...imagine that they are planted there with roots growing into the earth. Take a deep breath and and as you breath out, imagine your breath going down through your feet.... When you inhale, imagine your energy going up through your strong legs, up your you exhale, send the energy of your breath out through the crown of your head, up as high as you can imagine. As you inhale again, bring light back down through your crown, filling your entire body. Take another deep breath and feel calmness within your mind, body and spirit. Continue with your day.


Is there something causing you stress at the moment? A pile of paperwork? Kids not getting along? Drama at work? Whatever it is..... Just for a moment, pretend that whatever the source of your stress is.....doesn't matter at all. Go on, really try it. just doesn't matter. Take a few deep breaths and as you exhale, release your attachment to the stress. Do it again, go deeper...believe it. If you can release your attachment to stress, it will not be stress anymore, but it will be just some 'thing' that you will deal with. Just as you would if you were hiking and got a little pebble in your shoe. You can either keep walking and feel the discomfort that comes with having an irritating wedge digging into your foot. Getting annoyed at the pebble for getting into your shoe. Or you can stop, take a moment for your self and remove the pebble. Releasing that irritation. It doesn't mean that there won't be more pebbles in your shoe - the trail is covered in them. Th...

Peace Is Possible...quotes by Maharaji (Prem Rawat) pt3

"The absence of war, is not peace. It is people - it is us who start the wars. When differences become so great, and intolerance reaches epic proportions, wars will happen. When I fail to see another being as I see myself, wars will happen. When the causes and reasons become greater than the sanctity of peace, wars will happen. When I fail to realize the value of being alive, wars will happen. And whenever war begins outside, it will have begun on the inside first. And the war on the inside is far more dangerous because it is a fire that may never be quenched. It can rage on, and on, and on, and on. In the battle outside, at least you will hear a noise, but in the battle inside, you may not hear a peep. The battle outside may have strategies; the battle inside may be just going on with nobody even negotiating. This is your time on the face of this earth. This is your opportunity to be alive. When peace begins within me and has taken hold of me, when I have allowed it to blossom...

Peace Is Possible...quotes by Maharaji (Prem Rawat) pt 2

"There is a lot of chaos in this world, but there is also a lot of beauty. There is a lot of ugliness and cruelty in this world, and there is a lot of kindness, and both are coming out. It's just that people latch onto cruelty because they think it's more intriguing than kindness. Where does your attention go? That's what's important. You've got to keep your sanity. You, by the way, are responsible for that. Nobody else is responsible for your sanity, so don't go off the deep end looking at the bad in this world, because that will drive you insane. If you see the bad, also see the good. And hopefully, someday, you will become the lover of the good and you will reject the bad. On that day, you will live in a different world." ********** "Every day that you wake up, something within you yearns to be fulfilled, to be happy, to be in joy. If the thirst for peace is within you, then the peace is within you. And finding that peace is what drives us, lik...

Peace Is Possible...quotes by Maharaji (Prem Rawat)

"Human beings who look for a miracle have forgotten what miracle has already occurred: they breathe." ********** "Within you comes this incredible gift of life with every breath. It touches you, and you go on for another moment, and another, and another. Don't forget that it is but a drop, and a drop, and a drop that accounts for the mighty river. Your life comes one moment at a time. Be ready. Be ready to welcome it. Be ready to say 'Come'. And when you can be in that place, perhaps someday, you'll be able to say, 'Thank you for coming. Thank you for this existence. Thank you for this moment." ********** "We do so much to fulfill ourselves on the outside. We create massive institutions as we seek to expand our outer horizons, yet we overlook our inner horizons. It's perfectly fine to learn about the world, but we must also learn about the heart because true peace is not found outside. Within the heart of every human being lies the poss...


Balance is when there is harmony within mind, body and spirit - each one and as a unit. I am getting much better at recognising the early stages of imbalance in my life. I can get in touch with minor irritations that I used to dwell on for days, stewing them into something more than what was necessary. It has taken time, a path of growth and mostly remembering to come back into this moment regularly. It's so easy to have our minds in the past - "what if I had chosen a different house/mate/job/path?", "why did I say that instead of this other thing?", etc.. - or, to have our minds in the future - "when I win the lottery / find my perfect mate / get a new car / lose 20 pounds / then I'll be able to do the things I want / be happy".. etc. There is certainly some value in examining things that have happened if we do so from a perspective of learning from them. To do that, we need to look at those things with a sense of detachment, as if we were wat...

Life Gives us what we ask of it..

People who know what they want to do, generally spend much of their time doing it. And those that don't really know what they want, spend much of their time in the service of someone else's dream. Freedom and responsibility go hand in hand. If you blame others for the circumstances of your life, you give them power over you. You can never be free as long as you make other people responsible for your life. Only when you accept the responsibility of guiding your own life, can you truly be free to live abundantly.

the Peace road

"There is no road to Peace...Peace IS the road." - Ghandi

It's all about you!

The path we walk is lined with the lessons we need for our individual evolution. With those lessons comes teachers whether they be in the form of experience with other people, places or things, something we read or hear, etc. All valuable contributors to gaining wisdom. None of those other teachers can live your life for you. Ultimately, it is up to you. Only you can decide your own direction. Others may guide or try to persuade you. But this is YOUR journey and you are the only one you will have with you for the entirety of it. So it's time for you to get in touch with your own wisdom. And you absolutely have plenty of it. All that you need is within you and the answers you seek, you will find. Meditation is an ideal way to access your wisdom. Whether you have 5 minutes or 5 hours, try to find some time every day to get in touch with your self. Being a full time mama, I've often found this hard so I've learned to imagine myself as the eye of the storm that is often around ...